Implementing Diversity – Anti-Discrimination Work in Church Work Fields and Diakonie, 12. July 2024, Kassel

German version here.

Date: July 12, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Location: Haus der Kirche, Wilhelmshöher Allee 330, 34131 Kassel

About the Event

Bridge theory and practice in anti-discrimination work and explore innovative approaches and practical tools. This event offers a platform for exchanging practice-oriented methods and best practice examples to strengthen various forms of diversity in church work fields and Diakonie. This unique occasion brings together leading experts from church fields and Diakonie to explore innovative and practice-oriented approaches to promoting diversity.

Program Schedule

  • 11:00 AM | Opening and Spiritual Impulse
  • 11:30 AM | Panel and Plenary Discussion with experts including Dr. Beate Hofmann (Bishop EKKW), Nathalie Eleyth (@natheology_, Leitung EKD Kammernetzwerk Anti-Rassismus), Maike Schöfer (@ja.und.amen), Nils Finke (EJiR), and Mirjam Roller (Equality Officer EWDE)
  • 12:45 PM | Lunch Break and Networking Opportunity
  • 1:30 PM | Marketplace of Projects
  • 2:45 PM | Workshops with In-depth Discussions and Application Examples
  • 4:00 PM | Reflection and Conclusion of the Event
  • 5:00 PM | End


Dr. Eske Wollrad, Managing Director of Evangelisches Zentrum Frauen & Männer gGmbH i. L. & Nicolas Moumouni, Advisor for Intercultural Church Opening of the Nordkirche

Marketplace & Workshops

New on Board: Integrating and Inspiring | Onboarding EKKW

Get acquainted with EKKW’s innovative onboarding concept and discuss the pitfalls of diversity management in a church context.

#LiebeTutDerSeeleGut | Sevinç Topal (Der evangelische Fachverband für Teilhabe (BeB))

Behind the scenes of an inclusive social media campaign by BeB, the Protestant Association for Participation, for the Pride Month for people in inclusion aid. Learn how this initiative strengthens and supports LGBTQIA+ individuals with disabilities and communities through easy language and diverse media formats.

Since 2023, BeB has launched a social media campaign for Pride Month in simple language, titled „People in Inclusion Aid Celebrate Pride Month“ #LiebeTutDerSeeleGut. This initiative addresses the challenges that lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, and intersex people with disabilities often face—discrimination, misunderstanding, and exclusion both within the disability communities and within the LGBTQIA+ communities.

As part of this campaign, the life situations of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, intersex, and queer people with various forms of disability, chronic illnesses, psychological, and other impairments are highlighted. This is done through interviews, infographics, and video messages shared on BeB’s social media channels and those of its members.

The contents of the campaign include, among other things, an introduction to the terminology of sexual and gender diversity, the living situation of LGBTQIA+ people with disabilities, strategies and measures for diversity-sensitive design of facilities, and sex education approaches for dealing with sexual diversity in facilities for people with disabilities. Additionally, materials and offers on sexual and gender diversity in easy language are presented, as well as best practice examples.

Anti-Discrimination in Community-Based and Association Work | Joy Devakani Hoppe (EFiD-Präsidium, Nordkirche)

Discover effective approaches for dealing with people who are unaccustomed to diversity. Learn about methods of transcultural, interreligious, and feminist work in neighborhoods, parish and associations.

JUDAS RELOADED | DiskursLab EA Berlin (cancelled)

Explore the Biblical Narratives About Judas Anew and Understand Historical Contexts, Question Traditional Narratives, and Reveal the Connection Between an Ancient Figure and Modern Antisemitism.

Marketplace The antisemitism-critical education modules developed and tested by DisKursLab for the religious education context will be displayed as prototypes. These educational modules will be published in a revised form as public digital educational materials at the end of summer 2024. Parts of the materials consist of comic material and playful, creative methods for tracing Christian signatures in antisemitism. These can be viewed on-site. At the marketplace, we can discuss the findings and approaches to antisemitism criticism as a practice of religious education on which the material is based.

Workshop The workshop JUDAS RELOADED begins with an in-depth exploration of the Passion narrative and the images of Judas contained within it. It deepens the knowledge regarding the historical context of Jesus‘ lifetime and crucifixion. Through creative elements, we engage with the reception of the Judas figure and pose the question: Why is this figure so well-known to this day, and what is the antisemitic narrative that has migrated into secular antisemitism?

Asking those who are most affected | Guido Heinemann (Interessengemeinschaft Langzeitarbeitsloser) und Sonja Gaidusch (Demokratieberaterin EFAS e. V.)

Learn how those affected by poverty become agents of societal and organizational change, and how small projects strengthen democracy and promote social cohesion.

Sexual Education as an Approach in Anti-Discrimination Work | Isa Dvorak & Janina Gruß (Ämter für Jugendarbeit der EKiR / EKvW, ELAGOT NRW, AEJ NRW, Handlungsfeld – Sexuelle Bildung)

Discover how sexual education prevents discrimination and violence, promotes solidarity, and helps recognize diverse identities, orientations, and body images. Learn more about consensual behavior and its practical implementation in the Protestant Youth of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Solidarity supports the recognition of various sexual and gender identities, orientations, and body images. Sexual education serves as a platform to learn and practice respectful consensual behavior. Together, we will delve deeper into the contribution of sexual education to anti-discrimination work and present how this is implemented in the field of ‚Sexual Education for the Protestant Youth in NRW‘.

Living and Leading Diversity – From Practice | Lea-Friedericke Neubert (Diakonie Deutschland) & Sina Balke-Juhn (Evangelische Medienakademie)

Discover two approaches from organizational development and communication on how diversity can be implemented, and discuss the success factors and obstacles of anti-discrimination work in everyday work life.

Sacred Conversations to End Racism | Nathaly Kurtz (Studentin Ev. Theologie, antirassistische Bildungsreferentin)

Explore Dr. Velda Love’s approach from the United Church of Christ on how restorative justice can develop effective strategies against racism. This approach combines cognitive learning methods with physical exercises and personal reflection to promote a liberating theology and spirituality that encourages action.

LGBT* and the Path to a Diversity-Sensitive Community | Marina Müller (Zwischenraum e. V.)

What do all these letters, LGBTQIA…, mean, and what does „being Queer“ entail? This workshop explores how communities can become queer-friendly churches. Get to know the work of Zwischenraum e.V. and learn how the organization promotes inclusion through education and community engagement.

Registration & Contact

Participation in the conference is free of charge. Please register with Britta Beyersdorf ( This event is hosted by the Evangelical Women in Germany e.V., for more information please contact Frauke Petersen (

Join Us!

Be part of a day full of inspiration, exchange, and practical insights. Discover how you can not only promote but actively implement diversity! We look forward to seeing you,

Sina Balke-Juhn, Leiterin der Evangelischen Medienakademie, Kommunikationswerk der Nordkirche

Alena Höfer, Fachreferentin für Frauenpolitik und intersektionaler Feminismus, Institut Kirche und Gesellschaft, EKvW

Sarah Ntondele, stud. Hilfskraft, Heisenberg-Professur für Literaturgeschichte des Alten Testaments, Ruhr-Uni-Bochum

Frauke Petersen, Referentin Projekt & Change, Ev. Frauen in Deutschland e. V.

Sabine Schött, Referentin Frauenbildung und Diversity, Referat Erwachsenenbildung der EKKW

Frieda Wittenborn, Projektleitung Gendergerechte Ansätze in der Sozialpolitik und Sozialen Arbeit; Co-Projektleitung Gemeinsam für Demokratie! In Diakonie und Kirche, Diakonie Deutschland

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